Software escrow for users
UsersBeneficiary3P Contract
The CONTINEW Escrow Agreement software is a contractual and technical solution also known as software escrow. It provides the necessary guarantees to ensure the continuity and sustainability of specific developments purchased outside the organization
Active Management
White book Escrow agreement
Continuity and escrow platform available 24h/7j
The #1 Software Escrow Agreement in France
An Escrow Agreement consists in filing with a third party (notary, specialized company such as Continew) the sources, plans, design, setup and operating procedures, functional and technical documentation enabling a software product to be rebuild. This tripartite contract also named 3P Contract is particularly recommended for highly technical and long-life software.
Drawing up an Escrow Agreement is particularly suitable in the industrial and information technology fields, such as:
Electronic systems and equipments
Specific equipments
IoT (Internet of Things)
Specific equipments
Tools, testers, benches
Technical inspection of deposits
Supplier risk management
When a Beneficiary company uses an external supplier or Depositor , the following 6 items must be checked to assess the level of supplier risk control:
- Does the contract include supplier failure provisions?
- Are release provisions to access the repository consistent with the organization’s costs and deadlines?
- Have source codes and technical data been deposited?
- Who verified that the deposit was complete and flawless?
- When was the last update carried out?
- Who is accountable to the company for the possible reuse of files?
These questions are precisely what the escrow agreement or 3P Contract provides answers to. The documents of the escrow (also called Deposit) are kept by Continew and provide both parties, customer and supplier, all the guarantees required as to access options in the contract.
Why our customers choose CONTINEW ?
Men and women whose professional success is based on performance and customer satisfaction.
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